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Blumsack & Canzano, P.C. 贝肯律师楼


Phone (085) 799-0906
Address 867 Boylston Street, 5th Floor,Boston, MA 02116,
Boston, MA woner United States


* 交通类刑事案件,如酒驾或毒驾案件(DUI/ OUI)、无照驾驶(Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle)、无保险驾驶(Driving Without Insurance)、危险驾驶(Reckless Driving/Driving to Endanger)、交通事故责任;
* 家庭暴力类案件(Domestic Violence/ Domestic Assault/ Domestic Assault and Battery);
* 白领犯罪,如挪用公款(Embezzlement)、洗钱(Money Laundering)、内幕交易(Insider Trading)、受贿(Bribery)、公共腐败(Public Corruption)、电脑犯罪(Computer Crime)、欺诈罪(Fraud)、证券欺诈(Securities Fraud)、身份盗窃(Identity Theft)、逃税(Tax Evasion)、敲诈勒索(Racketeering)等;

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